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Teaching at the Institute for Immunology, LMU

The immune system is essential to maintain an organism's integrity and well-being in the face of continuous microbial attack. Cells and molecules of the innate and adaptive immune system are likely to be involved in essentially all disease processes.

The Institute for Immunology offers classes in lectures, seminars and a practical course to

  • assist students in understanding the basic concepts, central technologies and key experiments of this rapidly developing field,
  • educate about the relevance of the immune system to health and disease,
  • support critical thinking and creativity to do research in immunology, and
  • offer training and research opportunities to successfully do masters and PhD work and to pursue immunological research careers in academia and industry.

The curriculum is open to students in the Masters Programs in Biology and Biochemistry. It consists of

  • the lecture Current Immunology: From Basics to Application (7C0713, 3 ECTS),
  • the accompanying seminar Current Immunology: From Basics to Application (7C0713, 3 ECTS)
  • seminars on focused topics with basic and applied significance (3 ECTS)
  • a 3-week practical course which includes methods for antigen detection (flow cytometry, immuneperoxidase staining, ELISA, western blot) and recognition (lymphocyte proliferation, cytotoxicity, effector functions). (6 ECTS)

All information and course materials will be provided via the Moodle platform. You require your lmu login information and your campus email adress. Please sign up for the courses and lectures via email to sekretariat.immunologie@med.uni-muenchen.d

Institute staff is further involved in teaching Immunology in these contexts:

  • Faculty of Medicine: Modul 1 (Vorlesung 7M0809, Kurs 7M0807, Seminar 7M0808)
  • Faculty of Biology: Bachelor Curriculum Biology, Allgemeine Biologie: Prinzipien, Forschungsfelder, Geschichte (Lecture 19051)
  • Faculty of Biology: Master Curriculum Human Biology, Molecular Microbiology and Infection Biology (Lecture, Seminar, Practical Course)
